Choose the best Varicose Vein Doctor

Choose the best Varicose Vein Doctor

Varicose veins are one of the most common diseases of the veins that affects the population. Varicose veins are defined as enlarged, knotty veins. Any veins can become varicose, but most often they occur in the lower limbs, in the thighs, in the posterior of the knees, and in the upper muscles.

Women are more prone to face varicose veins. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can be factors that favor the development of the varicose veins. Feminine hormones tend to relax the vein walls. Treatment with hormones or birth control pills increase the risk of varicose veins. Vein Center Katy TX tells you all about varicose veins.

In most cases, the superficial veins illness is the result of a disease of the venous system in the depth of the foot, a disease called venous insufficiency. Varicose disease occurs due to the weakening venous wall resistance and inadequate functioning of the venous valves. Due to the gravity, the amount of blood in the lower limb veins increases, causing the superficial leg veins to increase in volume, which in turn makes them longer, prominent, swollen, thicker and painful.

What are the causes of the varicose veins?

Varicose veins appear when the veins do not work properly. If the arteries are conducting oxygenated blood from the heart to every cell in the body, the veins carry the carbon loaded blood to the heart, so that it then reaches the lungs and becomes oxygenated. Most of the cases are:

  • Genetic predisposition – Causes weakness of the venous wall and valves.
  • Age – as people age, the more elasticity of the blood vessels is lost, and the valves weaken, allowing the blood, which should head to the heart, to return to the leg.
  • Pregnancy – Some pregnant women develop such veins. This circulatory change is designed to help raise the fetus but increases the risk of these varicose veins occurring especially during the third trimester of pregnancy when the uterus can push the inferior vena cava in the abdomen and prevent the normal flow of blood from the lower limbs.
  • Standing for long periods – prevents the blood from returning to the heart if there is no muscle contraction (walking, running, etc.).
  • Abdominal pressure
  • Obesity

You can find out more on the causes of varicose veins here.

What are the signs and symptoms of varicose veins?

The onset of the condition is usually slow. Generally varicose veins do not cause pain and appear dark, twisted and swollen. When it causes pain, it is associated with several signs and symptoms such as:

  • Sensation of weight in the calves especially when walking
  • Muscular cramps
  • Swelling
  • Pain that becomes acute in the sitting position after standing
  • Itching around the affected vein
  • Cutaneous ulcers (indicates a serious cardiovascular problem and requires the immediate attention of a physician)

Very common, the first varicose veins appear at the calves, then at the thigh. More on the symptoms can be found at

What are the diagnosis methods of varicose veins?

The physical Examination is an examination of the affected limb member with the patient standing (to see if there is a swelling) or sitting seated. It is also important to tell your doctor what signs or symptoms you are experiencing.

Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive method to see if there is a valvular failure, but it does not allow its severity to be appreciated.

Phlebography in examining varicose veins is sometimes recommended, being a complex method requiring experienced staff and using a contrast substance. The investigation is performed with the patient in the orthostatic position (i.e. standing). Phlebography is essential when considering deep venous system surgery. More on phlebography can be found on this link.

Varicography involves contrast contraction in the varicose veins. The patient is placed in a horizontal position, and the legs are held slightly above the head. The method allows visualization of the varicose veins tract and eventually highlighting their “source”. It can be combined with phlebography. Check this out.

If you have varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency, the following recommendations may help:

  • Be active (the contraction of the leg muscles helps blood circulation), but avoid very intense physical effort
  • Keep your weight within normal limits
  • Avoid long periods of standing or sitting
  • Wear elastic stockings if you were prescribed so
  • Control your blood pressure

You can find more recommendations at this url.

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