Mariyuana, Future Diabetes Drugs?
Florida Medical Marijuana Doctors continue to explore the ability of alias marijuana plants in the treatment of cannabis. The latest study of Marijuana Doctors in Florida say, marijuana contains components that can help control blood sugar. Leaf marijuana also has a strong link with weight. In addition to increasing appetite, cannabis leaves can help someone to stay slim. Three recent studies have shown that marijuana users have a lower risk of being overweight. In addition, they also have a lower risk of diabetes and lower body mass index values.
All three benefits are obtained even though the marijuana users eat more calories. How did that happen? One reason is that marijuana users have better carbohydrate metabolism. The marijuana users also have higher levels of good cholesterol, which can protect the body from heart disease. In general, they also have smaller waistlines. The researchers of Florida Medical Marijuana did not clearly understand the association because this study was not a control study.
Not yet known whether the marijuana or other lifestyle factors owned by the respondents that cause them to get some health benefits. One conjecture is the influence of marijuana on certain receptors in the brain associated with appetite and metabolism.