Quick Facts on the Effects of Bright Screens on Your Sleeping Pattern: What You Should Know

Quick Facts on the Effects of Bright Screens on Your Sleeping Pattern: What You Should Know

Literally billions of people around the world use cell phones, and some people even have two! There are also gadgets which we use almost every single day, such as tablets and laptops. All these devices have their merits, but they have some inherent disadvantages as well. For instance, did you know that if you use your gadgets right before you go to sleep, your sleeping pattern and restfulness may well be affected? Here are some quick facts on the effects of bright screens on your sleeping pattern: what you should know.

The effects of bright screens

Are you one of the many individuals who tend to use their gadget – whether it’s a laptop, smartphone, or tablet – right before they close their eyes at night? Many of us admit to using our gadgets in bed, and for most, it has already become a habit. If you do this on a regular basis, you may notice that you are having trouble falling asleep. Or, you may notice yourself waking up more often during the night. Worse, when you wake up in the morning, you may feel groggy and tired. All these examples are just some of the serious effects of gadget use right before we go to bed.

What the research says

According to studies, using a device right before we sleep may result in a disruption of our body’s melatonin production. Melatonin is a specific hormone which is known for being sensitive to light, and it helps to control and regulate the circadian rhythm of your body. The body’s circadian rhythm is the daily cycle that can affect your body’s behaviour and physiology. If you have an increase in melatonin, your body’s core temperature will decrease, which then induces you to feel sleepy. And this will often happen at night. But if your body’s melatonin production is hampered in any way (which it often is when exposed to the intense bright screens produced by cell phones and tablets), you may find it more difficult to have a good sleep.

Gadgets and melatonin production

 Even if you are just exposed to a gadget for 2 hours, your body’s melatonin production can already decrease – even more so if you are exposed to a gadget right before you are set to go to sleep. If the delay in your sleep happens on a regular basis, your circadian rhythm can well be affected. If you are constantly exposed to bright screens from gadgets, over time, you can develop chronic sleeping problems such as insomnia. And there are other effects of constant exposure to radiation from cell phones and other gadgets, and this is why there are now more cell phone radiation protection products as well, such as pendants, chips, and shields.

If you want to avoid the effects of bright screens on your sleeping pattern, the solution is simple: avoid using your gadgets right before you sleep. It’s better to go the old-fashioned route if you want to feel sleepy: read a book or talk to a loved one. Take a long, hot shower or bath to relax your muscles. The point is to feel drowsy the natural way, and bright screens will definitely not help with that.

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